1. Follow us on social media.

In our social media, we announce all the news about the Arrondissement. 

2. Sign up to receive the Saint-Laurent Newsletter

The Saint-Laurent Newsletter is the Arrondissement's e-newsbulletin. By signing up, you will receive regulary information on the activities and services offered by Saint-Laurent—right in your email box. 

Sign up now! 

3. Visit the Publications section of our Internet site:

In the Publications section, you will find the PDF versions of the following publications: 

  • Le Bulletin de Saint-Laurent (the latest news and dates to remember)
  • Culture and Libraries program (upcoming shows and exhibitions and activities offered at Saint-Laurent's two libraries)
  • Sports, Leisure dans Community Life program (all artistic and sports activities offered by Saint-Laurent and its partner organizations)

4. Download the Saint-Laurent app

Among the functions offered there is the calendar of activities and events of the Arrondissement.

The app is available for: iPhone and Android.

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